“What would it take to transform your life and the world around you?”
Lena empowers individuals, entrepreneurs, and groups to transform and become who they need to be, to maximise their potential and live life on their own terms.

She talks about a young child and the struggles the child went through, till one day, the child wanted to change his life. She reveals that it is her life story.

The Art of Transformation
This uses the power of your mind.

We are not a victim of our circumstances, we are a creator of them.
Physics says “Reality is created from your perception”.
Neuroscience says “Your brain controls your biochemistry”.
Religion says “You are created in the image and likeness of the Creator”.
Spirituality says “Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens from you”.

3 steps to transform any area of your life
Develop who you are, so that you can achieve what you want.
Change the way you think.
Replace TV with books.
Mind is the most powerful asset that you have, value it, cherish it.


Step 1 – Focus and attention equals creation
Focus on your goal and stick to it.
Write what you want, be specific. Your brain will give you what you want.
Most people focus on their problems and they get more problems. What you focus on, you are directing your energy towards it.

Your ideas are very very powerful. Please do cherish them because ideas change the world. Everything on this planet, besides nature, was once an idea in the mind of a human being.

Step 2 – Self-mastery: Thoughts and Emotions
What do you believe about the things that you want?
Life doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you what you believe.
Self-mastery is about knowing how you feel, what you believe, because you are designed to win, but you’re programmed to lose.
It is so important what you believe in. Self-mastery is your inner work and only you can do it.
What matters is what you believe. Focus on the positive.
Line up your wants with your beliefs, for you will always get what you believe in.

Step 3 – Imagine you have already achieved your dream, from that conscious awareness, take action.
Imagine your life 5 years from now, where you have your dream job, you are in great health, have a loving partner and family – would you think, feel and act differently than you feel from today? Act from that level of consciousness. Then you take action and take one step towards your goal.
Have a positive mental attitude and lead the live you want to achieve.
Negative emotions weaken your immune system.
90% of your thoughts are the same as yesterday.
That means, the same emotion creates the same action which gets the same results and then you get the same thoughts and so the cycle of creation continues.
Most people wait for outside circumstances to change for them to change, but life it totally opposite.
You must change on the inside, in order to see change on the outside.


Negative thoughts are like a virus. They affect the most important computer, your mind. It is very important that we become aware of our thoughts because the more negative programs that we watch, they train you, they train your thoughts, they train your beliefs, they train your expectations that this is life.
You need to be aware of your negative thoughts.
Switch the television off. Read books, write your thoughts down, have more conversations, pursue some hobbies and interests.
Everyone wants society to change. Everyone wants social transformation. But you cannot have social transformation without individual transformation.

What would happen if there was transformation in the hearts of every man and woman? If self-development and self-transformation took place.
Self-education is the most important type of education.

She raises important questions towards the growth of individuals and hence the growth of a country.
The future won’t be what you want, it will be who you are and what you believe. The future is you.
Focus on what you want, align your emotions, take action and it will be yours. You’ll feast on your success.

Apply these principles to your life and watch it transform. I can relate to this talk because it has happened to me in bits and pieces. Every time, I envisioned myself and my growth and worked towards it, I was able to achieve it. She also gives me thought that I can do the same with various aspects of my life, including my health, my relationships.

Erase each negative thought that arises in your mind and replace it with happy, positive minds. Transform yourself. Start today.

Watch Lena Kay’s TEDx talk on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L51h8BBu7b8