Simple, useful insights to organize our physical space, health, and mental space.

  1. Necessities only policy
  2. Maintain a general outlook
  3. Create a plan B
  4. Divide your tasks
  5. Save some pennies
  6. No to procrastination
  7. Establish a reward system
  8. Eliminate distractions
  9. Let it go
  10. Forge bonds
  11. Inform the people who matter10
  12. Yield the power of “No”
  13. Get inspired
  14. Be reminded
  15. Divide and categorize
  16. Stick to your schedule
  17. Task-shifting system
  18. Curb your impulses
  19. Utilize the brakes
  20. Do not dwell
  21. Make decisions
  22. Take baby steps
  23. Don’t be a perfectionist
  24. Take breathers
  25. Stand true

Hope these insights help you as much as they helped me. Thank you for joining me today. #growtogether

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