Chade-Meng Tan, known informally as Meng, is a former software engineer and motivator formerly at Google known especially for greeting celebrities who visit the Google campus. Meng is also an international bestselling author, thought leader and philanthropist. Today, we gain insights from his book ‘Search Inside Yourself’.

Emotional intelligence has 5 domains:

  1. Self-awareness
  2. Self-regulation
  3. Motivation
  4. Empathy and
  5. Social skills

Emotional intelligence helps to achieve:

  • Stellar work performance
  • Outstanding leadership and
  • Conditions of happiness

Emotional intelligence can be training using the following techniques:

  1. Being self-aware of our thoughts and emotions from the objective view of a third person
  2. Response flexibility – Pause before acting
  3. Bring your attention to your body and perception of your emotion
  4. Through mindfulness practices of controlling your breath

Mindfulness has two levels:

  1. Attention
  2. Meta-attention – ability to pay attention to attention i.e. concentration23

Meditation helps to:

  1. Relax your mind and be alert
  2. It is an exercise and
  3. Follow your breath

To avoid distractions while meditation:

  1. Acknowledge
  2. Experience without judging or reacting
  3. Focus on intention, movement, and sensation
  4. Let it go

Mindful conversation has 3 components:

  1. Mindful listening
  2. Looping – Closing the communication
  3. Dipping – checking in with ourselves

Mindful meditation helps us:

  1. To build meta-attention
  2. Provides clarity and vividness
  3. Requires a balance of effort and relaxation
  4. Helps you get into a state of flow and
  5. Build self-confidence

Awareness to self-confidence helps to understand:

  1. How we operate in failure mode
  2. How we operate in recovery mode

You can develop self-awareness through:

  1. Body scan
  2. Journaling and
  3. Meditation

Hope these insights help you as much as they helped me. Thank you for joining me today. #growtogether

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