Today, we gain insights into how we can be flexible to manage change.

  1. Embrace non-dual thinking. It is ‘AND’, not ‘OR’. Self-compassion and self-discipline.
  2. Adopt a ‘being’ orientation. Who can you be for your family, for people who matter to you, towards your work?
  3. Update your expectations to match reality.
  4. Practice tragic optimism. Commit to wise hop and take wise action.
  5. Actively differentiate and integrate your true sense of self.
  6. View the world with independent and interdependent lenses.
  7. Respond to change with 4 Ps – Pause, Process, Plan, and Proceed
  8. Lean on routines (and rituals) to provide stability during periods of disorder.
  9. Use behavioural activation.
  10. Don’t force meaning and growth. Let them come on their own time.

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Hope these insights help you as much as they helped me. Thank you for joining me today. #growtogether